YWC系列15ppm艙底水分離器是根據國際海事組織IMO MEPC.107(49)決議的要求而開發設計的環保設備,出水含油量≤15ppm。此設備正屬于海上環境保護高端技術產品,可對船舶上含各種燃料油,密度極高的殘余渣油以及由氧化鐵、表面活性劑等組成的乳化液混合物的艙底水進行有效處理。
該裝置獲得發明專利2項,實用新型專利6項,已于2007年7月獲得中國船級社型式認可證書和IMO認可通報, 2009年1月通過德國勞氏船級社(GL)型式認可,取得MED證書,同時可提供 ABS、DNV、BV、RS等船級社證書。
通過GL-EC認可的15ppm艙底水分離器,主要零部件采用國際知名品牌,其中電氣控制箱元器件 由施耐德提供、15ppm艙底水報警裝置由德國DECKMA提供、螺桿泵由英國Mono泵業提供。
YWC Series 15ppm Bilge Separator is a kind of environmental protection product designed based on International Maritime Organization IMO MEPC.107(49) standard, the oil content in effluent water ≤15ppm. This separator is the high- tech newest product which can effectively dispose all kinds of fluids in bilge water including fuel oil, high-density residual oil and emulsion mixture combined with black ferric oxide and surfactant.
This separator can also be used in industrial and petroleum, besides in ship vessels. The effluent oil content from YWC can meet any standards of Environment Bureau in China.
This separator has obtained two items of Authorized Patent and six items of Practical new patent, meanwhile has been obtained the Type Approval of CCS and IMO circular in July 2007, and it in January 2009 by Germanischer Lloyd (GL) type approval certificate MED made, while providing ABS, DNV, BV, RS and other classification societies certificate.
By GL-EC approved 15ppm bilge separator, the main parts adopt international famous brands, including electrical control box components provided by Schneider, 15ppm bilge alarm provided by the German DECKMA Ha, screw pump provided by the Mono Pump.
技術參數 (Technical Data)
型 號 Type |
YWC-0.25 |
YWC-0.50 |
YWC-1.00 |
YWC-1.50 |
YWC-2.00 |
YWC-2.50 |
YWC-3.00 |
YWC-4.00 |
YWC-5.00 |
額定處理量(m3/h) Rating Capacity (m3/h) |
0.25 |
0.50 |
1.00 |
1.50 |
2.00 |
2.50 |
3.00 |
4.00 |
5.00 |
泵電機功率(kW) Power of pump (kW) |
0.37 |
0.55 |
0.75 |
1.10 |
1.10 |
1.50 |
1.50 |
2.20 |
2.20 |
電加熱器功率(kW) Electric heater power (kW) |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
2×3 |
2×3 |
2×3 |
4×3 |
4×3 |
油份濃度計 15ppm Bilge Alarm |
含 included |
含 included |
含 included |
含 included |
含 included |
含 included |
含 included |
含 included |
含 included |
裝置底座 (槽鋼,長*寬) Base(channel steel) (mm) |
#5 1000*600 |
#6 1100*690 |
#6 1050*1000 |
#6 1100*1130 |
#8 1900*1120 |
#8 1900*1120 |
#8 1750*1500 |
#10 2280*1700 |
#10 2280*1700 |
外形高度 (mm) Height (mm) |
1250 |
1460 |
1620 |
1660 |
1700 |
1900 |
2020 |
1950 |
2000 |
干/凈重 (kg) Dry/wet weight (kg) |
400/550 |
600/800 |
800/1200 |
1060/1810 |
1260/2260 |
1500/2800 |
1800/3200 |
2100/3900 |
2500/4600 |
適用船舶 (凈載噸) Applicable ship vessel |
1000噸 以下 <1000 DWT |
1000-5000 噸 1000~5000 DWT |
5000-1萬 噸5~10 KDWT |
1萬-3萬噸 10~30 KDWT |
3萬~5萬噸 30~50 KDWT |
5萬 ~10萬噸50~100 KDWT |
10萬 ~20萬噸100~200 KDWT |
10萬 ~30萬噸100~300 KDWT |
30萬噸以上300KDWT above |
Note: Our company keeps the right of modifying the outline, The outline is only for your reference, please take the material object as standard.
原理概述(Principle Description)
本裝置采用蒸汽加熱(電加熱)--一級斜板重力和聚結分離—一級纖維濾器--二級纖維濾器截流分離--三級超濾膜滲透分離等方法,使含油污的艙底水處理后達到IMO MEPC.107(49)決議排放標準。
The device adopts the combination of steam(electrical) heating; the 1st stage cone wave plate gravity and coalesce separation; the 1st and the 2nd stage fiber filter and the 3rd stage membrane permeation in order to make the treated bilge water to meet the requirements of discharge standard of the resolutions of IMO MEPC.107(49).
- 上一篇:艙底水分離器YWC-1.00
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